Giannis Giannoutsos
Architect ∙ Visual Artist

SECOND NATIONAL CONFERENCE: ‘Aesthetics and the New Digital Era’, Athens, 2016


SECOND NATIONAL CONFERENCE: ‘Aesthetics and the New Digital Era’, Athens, 2016


From pure geometry to organic development


The study deals with the possibilities new 3D design and animation software has to offer.

In recent years there has been a lot of discussion about the poetic dimension of integrating digital tools in design. The methods proposed open new ways to creativity, where play and interpretation create a thought provoking framework.

The fact that the minutest adjustments in digital tool variables result in variations of  forms produced encapsulates both the seed of- and aninkling to an evolving process. Under this light, digital design may, in some way, imitate both nature, and the manner forms come into being in the natural world. Besides, the technique of animation could enhance both the notions of development and transmutation. Thus, a new perception of architecture and design may emerge that puts particular emphasis on what is mutable and circumstantial rather then to that which is static and preprogrammed. Digital design tools make new and innovative solutions possible by introducing the factor of the unexpected.

The creative process reveals itself as a threefold interaction among the tool component (with its mathematical and algorithmic qualities), randomness (the result of the playful and subliminal mood of the user) and the regulating logic of the user in his endeavor to produce a meaningful outcome.

A step by step imaginative application developed by Giannis Giannoutsos makes what has been just described possible. It was first presented by means of sketches and digital images during a course in the department of Architectural Engineers of the N.T.U.A. He later expanded and further elaborated his original idea.


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