A: Athens, Exarcheia, Tositsa 24, 10683
Exhibition of the A.S.F.A. students in the Grigoriadis Gallery
The Grigoriadis Gallery and the 1st Sculpture Workshop present the work of more than 40 new arstists-students of the A.S.F.A. in an exhibition that opened on Wednesday 19 March 2014.The artists used the whole spectrum of visual means and multiple new and old materials.
Giannis Giannoutsos took part in the exhibition with his work “Memory Fragment”
Memory is an inherent quality of human existence. The works presented amount to fragments of memory.
They hint to former circumstances: Signs – Fragments – Finds.
Their origin lies in human presence: straight lines, curves, volume, scale. They invite the viewer to mentally reconstruct the world to which they allude. These works/photos of models are brought to the fore. Thus, the fragment assumes a primary function: the “part of the world” becomes “the world in its totality”.
“I often went for long walks exploring the Greek landscape, strolling through these rugged rocks, treading the theophorous earth—sown with potsherds—amidst the gaping mouths of wells that spoke of the ancient dwellers of this land, of my land, and all the while I was shaping its conscience, I was plotting its history.”
Dimitris Pikionis, Notes on Greece, 1968