Giannis Giannoutsos
Architect ∙ Visual Artist




DOMES - International Review of Architecture, Athens 2016


"EXPECTANT CITY" Archaeological Thematic Museum in Piraeus

ARCHITECTS: Giannis Giannoutsos, Valadis Basoukos


The museum, introverted and self-sufficient, is “bore in the womb” of the earth, constituting the new city level which converses explicitly with both the archaeological site and the “cultural shore”. The new level bends abruptly and is folded in a downward movement to the “bowels” of the composition. The two levels—that of the museum and that of the city—are brought together. Above the re-configured ground, the museum floats in the form of a pure prismatic mass conversing with the remaining reference points of Piraeus. The building is articulated along a basic compositional idea, which corresponds to the visitors route. The starting point is placed at the public square level with the path being plotted parallel to the slanted low lying wall. The latter penetrates the re-configured ground and modulates the composition. This gesture gives shape to the foyer and defines utilitarian spaces becoming thus a compositional “wedge” energizing the museum. The spiral route leading to the interior begins at the far end. The five thematic units foreseen by the museological study are arranged across this spiral path. The route ends at the core of the structure where the central stair links the museum to the city level.


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