A: Athens, Exarcheia, Tositsa 24, 10683
“Aition”, Young Greek Architects - “On Architecture and Painting”
“[…] Have we truly realized what our points of reference, our cultural origins and our relation to all others are?
Beyond our architectural and visual arts education, personal choices are the defining factors that shape the real creator. It is exactly these choices that determine his/her later way of life and eventual artistic development. Maybe this is what Panayotis Tetsis meant when he stated that one becomes a painter not upon completing his studies, but years later. What is at any rate necessary is the desire, the primordial drive for expression according to one’s own nature, in line with the laws of every individual Art, and in keeping with the norms of each individual era. It is this same force that drove Yannoulis Halepas to stay creative,even after his release from the mental asylum where he was committed for a good thirteen years […]”